Transport in Aarhus

Transport in Aarhus

Dennis Borup Jakobsen / VisitOdense

Dennis Borup Jakobsen / VisitOdense

Transport in Aarhus

Getting to and around in Aarhus easy and comfortable!

Regardless you travel to Aarhus by plane, train, bus or car, Aarhus is never far away, and related to the good infrastructure and public transport possibilities, it is easy to find a way to getting around in Aarhus.

By car to Aarhus

You will find the E45 motorway connected nicely to main Aarhus throughout a well-developed infrastructure in Aarhus.

Airport buses

By good bus connections, you can easily reach Aarhus from Billund and Aarhus Airport. See links for more information.

By Train

Nearly every hour you arrive in Aarhus with train from Odense and Copenhagen. Travel time from Copenhagen approx. 3 hours and from Odense 1,5 hour. See link for more information.

By bus to and in Aarhus

It is recommendable to use the public bus transport system in Aarhus. Where ever you decide to go to the large number of attractions, the beautiful surroundings of Aarhus, activities or and shopping opportunities. See link for more information.

You will also find discount bus tour operators offering transport from bigger cities like Copenhagen and Odense.

Get discount on public transport

Do you buy an AarhusCard discount card, you can travel when and as you please on the yellow city buses and blue coaches in zones 301, 302 and 303. It is the perfect solutions if you plan to visit a lot of attractions and locations in Aarhus. Also for self-drivers, the Aarhus Card is relevant, you get free parking with the card.



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